Endogamy can prove to be a barrier to using your DNA test results to build your family tree. But there are tips and...
Search Results
Where’s Your Endogamy? Survey Says….
Where are people finding endogamy on their family trees? We report results of a survey of genetic genealogists who...
Founder Effect | DNA and Endogamy
Founder effect and endogamy are different, but they can occur concurrently in your family tree. Read more from Jayne...
Endogamy v Pedigree Collapse | DNA Matches
Is endogamy or pedigree collapse affecting your ability to work with your DNA matches? What’s the difference, how can you tell and what can you do about them? Check out these strategies you can try now.
Endogamy and DNA Testing Tips
How does your DNA testing company correct for endogamy on DNA matches? You should know about Ancestry’s algorithm; MyHeritage’s rule for Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry; and these tips for segment size and shared matches.
What is Endogamy? DNA Testing and Endogamy
What is endogamy? This introduction to endogamy helps you understand what it is and how it can complicate genetic genealogy analysis. Learn a crucial tip for spotting endogamous relationships on your DNA match list.
Diahan Southard at RootsTech 2024
Did you miss RootsTech 2024? Check Out Diahan Southard's You Can Do the DNA! FREE Series, a five-part series on how...
What Are the Odds? plus (WATO plus): A New Upgrade to the Classic Tool
What Are the Odds? plus (WATO plus) is a new tool from DNA Painter with new features available. Learn about WATO plus'...
BanyanDNA Beta is Here!
BanyanDNA is a new tool to help you analyze your DNA matches, especially for complicated relationships. But there is...