How do DNA ethnicity results for 21 sets of identical twins compare at AncestryDNA, 23andMe and MyHeritage? Read the answers here, along with a bonus question about 23andMe traits.
DNA and Ethnicity
Future of DNA Ethnicity Estimates
How we can extend the limits of DNA ethnicity estimates to make these tests more reliable and relevant for more people? A look ahead at the next generation of DNA ethnicity estimates.
DNA Testing for African Ancestry
Which DNA testing companies shed the most detailed light on African ancestry? What makes Africa the most genetically diverse continent? Why is it so important for scientists to understand the genetic heritage of those with African roots? A must-read article!
Why Trust Finnish DNA Ethnicity More than German
DNA ethnicity estimates are more reliable for certain locations than others. Here’s which regions of Europe are more (and less) likely to be identified correctly.
DNA Ethnicity Varies Even for Same Person on Same Website
DNA ethnicity estimates are so complex—like the weather—that they vary for the same person even at the same testing company. Here, let us explain.
Best DNA Ethnicity Report? And the Answer Is….
The best DNA ethnicity results—most accurate and specific—vary across testing companies. Here’s some hard data on which testing companies are doing well for which regions.
Which DNA Test’s Ethnicity Estimate is Best?
Ethnicity estimates in DNA testing are becoming more precise, accurate and consistent—but they’re still not equally robust across the market. Here’s a long but informative answer to this important question!
Jewish Ethnicity and DNA
“Jewish DNA” genetic signatures do show up in DNA test results for family history: in YDNA, mtDNA and even autosomal tests.
DNA Ethnicity Results Connect Us, Not Divide Us
Do DNA ethnicity test results perpetuate racism? My experience says the opposite is true.
DNA Ethnicity Estimation: Reference Panels
The reference panels or populations that inform your DNA ethnicity reports for family history ALSO affect variations in those reports. Here’s what you want to know about this!
DNA Ethnicity: Why Confidence Levels Matter
DNA ethnicity estimates are within your hands to understand—look at confidence levels as closely as you do the pie chart itself!
DNA Ethnicity Estimation: The “Wayback Machine”
You’ll feel so much smarter about your varying DNA ethnicity results after you read this article! Here’s why you should think about them more as “historical communities.”
DNA Ethnicity Changes: That’s Not What It Said Before!
This new article series by genetic genealogist Jayne Ekins deep-dives into DNA ethnicity estimates and explains why they vary so widely.
DNA Ethnicity Improvements
DNA testing companies have been hard at work, re-calibrating our ethnicity estimates based on newer and better data.
DNA Ethnicity Specificity
Since the launch of the autosomal DNA test, we have seen an incredible increase in the specificity of DNA ethnicity origins reports.