DNA Testing Stories

MyHeritage DNA AutoClusters | Finding Your Matches

MyHeritage DNA AutoClusters | Finding Your Matches

MyHeritage DNA AutoClusters tool can help you target the DNA matches you want to work with--and find unique matches who may not have tested anywhere else. Here's how Kelli used MyHeritage DNA's AutoCluster tool to do just that. MyHeritage DNA is one of many DNA testing services to which you can...

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Is He Really My Biological Grandfather?

Is He Really My Biological Grandfather?

Is my grandfather really my biological grandfather? Vicky's DNA test results made her ask this intriguing question. Here are strategies she learned to use her DNA to look for answers. While looking at her DNA results, Vicky Grover noticed she had no apparent connections on her maternal...

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Half-Siblings On Your Family Tree? Try This DNA Strategy

Half-Siblings On Your Family Tree? Try This DNA Strategy

How can half-siblings of your relatives be "better" than whole ones (at least, from a genetic genealogy perspective?) Here's what Joy learned about using descendants of half-siblings to cluster the shared matches she wanted. How can half-siblings be better than whole ones? At least, from a genetic...

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YDNA Surname Project Administrator? Learn the Skills

YDNA Surname Project Administrator? Learn the Skills

YDNA surname project administrators help other project members and answer questions. But how do they learn do work with surname project data? Here's a resource to help you become a better YDNA surname project administrator--or just work with your own YDNA data more effectively. Once you or a...

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YDNA Test Upgrade | Is It Worth It?

YDNA Test Upgrade | Is It Worth It?

Considering a YDNA test upgrade? It can be well worth it. Here's what happened after Kelli updated her husband's YDNA test. And then--after a little patience--along came an exciting new match! See what YDNA can do for your research questions. Have you ever had a DNA surprise that felt like...

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Genetic Distance | YDNA Matches

Genetic Distance | YDNA Matches

Genetic distance is a key clue for helping you understand what makes a good YDNA match. Read Ginny’s story to learn how the YDNA for Genealogy Course helped her better evaluate YDNA matches and know which ones are worth further attention. YDNA can be a wonderful tool to help you better understand...

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YDNA for Genealogy: Finding 2 Birth Fathers

YDNA for Genealogy: Finding 2 Birth Fathers

Using YDNA for genealogy can help solve many mysteries on your paternal lines! Read how Linda and Toni used what they learned in the YDNA for Genealogy course to help them answer their question: who was Mordecai Hance’s father? Who was Mordecai Hance’s father? Linda Richards had been trying to...

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Biological Grandparents | FOUND!

Biological Grandparents | FOUND!

When biological grandparents are unknown, turning to DNA and genealogical records may help solve the mystery.  Tara had only been researching her family tree for about a year when she made a startling discovery. “My dad was adopted by his [own] paternal grandparents at a young age,” she explains....

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DNA Cousins | More than Black and White

DNA Cousins | More than Black and White

DNA testing helps you discover DNA cousins. Read how one genealogist did just that and proved that family is more than black and white. Linda Crichlow White first became interested in genealogy in 2006, when she helped clean out the house of an elderly relative. Amidst the clutter, there were...

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DNA Matches Shed Light on a 3XGG | It Can Happen!

DNA Matches Shed Light on a 3XGG | It Can Happen!

Your DNA matches can give you clues to the identities of your unknown ancestors! Here's how Susan learned more about a mystery birth father: her 3X great grandfather. Susan from Grass Valley, California has long wondered who was the biological father of her 2X great grandmother, Cornelia Ann. “She...

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Y-DNA | Scottish Clan Revealed–and More

Y-DNA | Scottish Clan Revealed–and More

Y-DNA can reveal a Scottish clan connection! A researcher uses YDNA to trace her Canadian great grandfather's origins, and finds much deeper roots in the MacDougall clan. (Oh, and some more recent connections, too.) Margaret Clarke of British Columbia, Canada, set out to trace the lineage of her...

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Was the Family Rumor True? DNA Says….

Was the Family Rumor True? DNA Says….

Family rumor said grandpa’s birth father was not who everyone thought it was. Here’s how DNA testing shed light on the gossip–AND revealed more about grandma’s ancestry, too!

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Combining DNA Test Types for Shared Surnames

Combining DNA Test Types for Shared Surnames

Combining DNA test types is a great strategy for tackling specific family tree questions. Here’s how one researcher used YDNA + autosomal to explore whether shared surnames in an ancestral place meant everyone was actually related.

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