Here’s how to calculate the pedigree collapse effect in your own DNA matching discoveries. The bottom line may not be as scary as you thought for your genetic genealogy!
Working with DNA Matches
Pedigree Collapse and Your DNA Matches
Pedigree collapse is an advanced but important genetic genealogy topic. This first part of a two-part article explains how pedigree collapse plays into the DNA matching experience.
DNA Triangulation
DNA triangulation can help you figure out how you’re related to your DNA matches or identify an unknown ancestor on your family tree. Here’s how it can help you with your shared matches and genealogy.
Contacting Your DNA Matches
Starting a conversation with your DNA matches can be like a first date. Follow these 4 “dating tips” to go from awkward to acquainted!
Chromosome Mapping with DNA Painter
Chromosome mapping can be a fun way to compare DNA you share with known matches and assign specific genetic strands to specific ancestors. Here’s how to do this with DNA Painter.
Organize and Label Your DNA Matches
Organizing your DNA matches helps you make sense of them. From someone who organizes DNA results for a living, here’s the fastest, easiest way to organize them, whether you’ve tested at AncestryDNA, 23andMe or another company.
Answering Emails from DNA Matches
Corresponding with your DNA matches is easier when you follow these quick tips on how to respond to emails from your genetic cousins.
Missing 4th Cousins | DNA Match List
You’re missing about half of your real 4th cousins in your DNA match list! This short video tutorial explains why aren’t they showing up on your DNA match list if they’ve tested at the same company!
Why I Like MyHeritage’s Theory of Family Relativity for DNA Matches
MyHeritage’s Theory of Family Relativity reconstructs possible family trees between you and your DNA matches. Here’s why I love the way they’re doing it.
What is Endogamy? DNA Testing and Endogamy
What is endogamy? This introduction to endogamy helps you understand what it is and how it can complicate genetic genealogy analysis. Learn a crucial tip for spotting endogamous relationships on your DNA match list.
Improve DNA Match Relationships: Avoid Confirmation Bias
You may have DNA match relationship issues and not even know it! Confirmation bias may be affecting your judgment about how you’re related to your DNA matches. You’ll want to know the difference between a genealogical v. genetic relationship, too. Here’s why.
Map DNA Matches: Shared Ancestral Locations
Mapping out shared locations between your family tree and your DNA matches’ tree can help you zero in on the branch of the family you have in common.
Combine DNA Test Types
Combine DNA tests to help find birth parents or identify ancestors! This tasty example for an adoptee combines autosomal plus mtDNA testing to help identify a DNA match on her maternal line.
Organizing DNA Matches: 3 Steps
Get started organizing your DNA matches with these 3 suggestions for turning your jumbled list into an organized group of genetic networks—and eventually, a better family tree.
4th Cousin DNA Matches: How Real Are They?
Not all DNA cousin matches are equally valuable! Here’s what to do with those hundreds of fourth cousin matches on your list.