Opt Out of Law Enforcement Matching at FamilyTreeDNA
Here’s how to opt-out of law enforcement matching at FamilyTreeDNA.
Including your DNA in forensic matching means your sample might help investigators “identify the remains of a deceased individual or a perpetrator of a homicide, abduction, or sexual assault,” if the person behind that sample is genetically related to you. Your inclusion to matching forensic samples applies to ANY test you take at FTDNA.
As of 2024, FamilyTreeDNA users are automatically opted out of DNA matching for forensic samples submitted by law enforcement (read more about this process here). Although maybe you’ve previously opted in, but now want to opt out. See the steps below to opt out of law enforcement matching at FTDNA.
(If you do NOT wish to have your DNA included in matches viewed by law enforcement:
1. Log in to your FamilyTreeDNA account.
2. Go to your Account Settings > Privacy & Sharing.
3. Click the “Opt in to Investigative Genetic Genealogy Matching (IGGM)” toggle button. The button will turn gray.

Check out our free handy guide to law enforcement access on the DNA testing database, along with some comments I’ve published on law enforcement participation in DNA matching. I hope you’ll read these and make your own informed decisions!
P.S. Keep up with the ever-changing world of DNA testing by subscribing to our free monthly email newsletter!