Transferring DNA Tests To FamilyTreeDNA – FTDNA
If you have been tested at, 23andMe, or MyHeritage, you should consider transferring your results to FamilyTreeDNA. This gives you exposure to another group of people who have had their DNA tested, as well as gives you access to some additional genetic tools that you may find useful in your research.
Two things to know before you transfer:
- There is a small fee to unlock part of your results, but you may decide you don’t need to pay it. Some of the tools you will want are included in the free transfer.
- FamilyTreeDNA only accepts MyHeritage DNA data created on or after March 1, 2019. If you have only tested at MyHeritage and it was before that date, you won’t be able to transfer your data. It has to do with compatibility in the different formats of the data.
How to transfer to FTDNA
1. Go to* In the upper left menu, click on DNA tests, then choose “Autosomal DNA Transfer.”

2. Fill out the form. If you already have a FTDNA account for the person whose data you are trying to upload, then make sure you use the “Already have an FTDNA account” button so you can link this autosomal data to your current FTDNA account. (If the uploaded data is for your dad, but your mom has an account at FTDNA, DO NOT LINK THEM.)

3. Choose the raw file you downloaded from Ancestry, MyHeritage, etc. (Do not unzip the file first.)

4. Wait. It will take anywhere from one to 48 hours for your results to be processed. If this is a new account at FTDNA, write down the kit number and password that was assigned to you.
5. Once your results have been processed, decide whether to pay a modest, one-time fee to gain full access to the FTDNA suite of tools. These include your ethnicity estimate, haplogroup information and the chromosome browser.
Get the most out of transferring to Family Tree DNA
Take the FamilyTreeDNA (Family Finder) Tour with Your DNA Guide! You’ll be escorted you through the essential components, settings and concepts for using your DNA to explore your Family Finder (autosomal) test results at FTDNA. Our series of prerecorded video instructions, hands-on experience, workbook activities and a research log will help you apply what you learn to your own test results.