DNA Tools

Shared Matches of Matches | How SMOM Help DNA Discoveries

Shared Matches of Matches | How SMOM Help DNA Discoveries

Shared matches of matches are game-changing for genetic genealogy. We'll explain how these work with your DNA match list and where to find the tool at MyHeritage DNA, 23andMe and now at AncestryDNA. When five people take the same class, they may each learn—and contribute—something a little...

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WATO plus vs BanyanDNA: How Do They Compare?

WATO plus vs BanyanDNA: How Do They Compare?

WATO plus vs BanyanDNA are two new DNA tools. We look at features offered with both tools to see how they compare. The Holy Grail of genetic genealogy is to find yourself a group of DNA matches who all relate to each other through a common ancestor who is not currently on your tree. The presence...

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What Are the Odds? plus (WATO plus): A New Upgrade to the Classic Tool

What Are the Odds? plus (WATO plus): A New Upgrade to the Classic Tool

What Are the Odds? plus (WATO plus) is a new tool from DNA Painter with new features available. Learn about WATO plus' new features and subscription options. This week DNA Painter announced the launch of its new tool, What Are the Odds? plus (WATO plus), and Your DNA Guide couldn’t wait to get our...

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BanyanDNA Beta is Here!

BanyanDNA Beta is Here!

BanyanDNA is a new tool to help you analyze your DNA matches, especially for complicated relationships. But there is something cool EVERYONE can use it for. And here are key tips for getting started. When using DNA for family history, one of the important steps you take is to check that your...

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DNA Painter | Should You Subscribe?

DNA Painter | Should You Subscribe?

DNA Painter is a third-party website that offers a multitude of tools for understanding your DNA test results. But should you subscribe? Read more about what you can do with DNA Painter and if you should subscribe. I am often asked which DNA tools I use the most often. My immediate answer is...

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DNA Coverage Estimator: How to Use It

DNA Coverage Estimator: How to Use It

DNA Coverage Estimator is a great tool from DNA Painter to help you estimate how much of your ancestor's DNA is accounted for via testing of descendants. Want to learn how to use it? Keep reading to see how Diahan uses the DNA Coverage Estimator on her great-grandmother's DNA. We spend a lot of...

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Organizing DNA Research | Tools We Love

Organizing DNA Research | Tools We Love

Organizing DNA research (not just your match list!) is crucial to successful genetic genealogy. Here are some different tools one of our students uses to keep track of DNA research progress. At Your DNA Guide, we know you can DO the DNA, but how do you organize it all? With all of the DNA matches...

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MyHeritage DNA AutoClusters | Finding Your Matches

MyHeritage DNA AutoClusters | Finding Your Matches

MyHeritage DNA AutoClusters tool can help you target the DNA matches you want to work with--and find unique matches who may not have tested anywhere else. Here's how Kelli used MyHeritage DNA's AutoCluster tool to do just that. MyHeritage DNA is one of many DNA testing services to which you can...

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Founder Effect | DNA and Endogamy

Founder Effect | DNA and Endogamy

Founder effect and endogamy are different, but they can occur concurrently in your family tree. Read more from Jayne about the founder effect, what it is, an example of it, and how it differs from endogamy. Both founder effect and endogamy can lead to reduced diversity in your DNA. However, they...

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Managing DNA Tests | How-to Tips

Managing DNA Tests | How-to Tips

If you are managing DNA tests for others, or are considering it, you may have questions about how it works. Kelli offers a quick how-to for managing multiple DNA kits in AncestryDNA, MyHeritage DNA, FamilyTree DNA, 23AndMe, and Living DNA. Managing DNA tests for your relatives can be a win-win...

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Shared cM Project | Now Add TWO Testers

Shared cM Project | Now Add TWO Testers

The Shared cM Project has a new feature which lets you enter the shared cM of two testers, rather than just one. This can narrow down a list of possible relationships to DNA matches while using siblings or cousins from the same generation. Learn more about how to use the updated feature. Have you...

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MyHeritage DNA Adds a New Filter

MyHeritage DNA Adds a New Filter

MyHeritage DNA has added a new filter which looks at shared DNA between you and a shared match. Read more about how this small tool is a big deal! Even small tools can make a big difference. MyHeritage is famous (or they should be!) for giving us multiple kinds of filters for our DNA matches to...

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AncestryDNA Sideview Assigns Matches to Mom or Dad

AncestryDNA Sideview Assigns Matches to Mom or Dad

AncestryDNA Sideview now assigns matches to your parents' families! This new feature helps answer one of the most frequently asked questions: “Which DNA matches are from my father vs my mother?” Mom’s side, dad’s side? Wonder no more. AncestryDNA announced its SideView™ technology in 2022 and we...

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How to Use Lucidchart | DNA & Genealogy

How to Use Lucidchart | DNA & Genealogy

How to use Lucidchart for DNA & genealogy? Here's a peek at how we use this online tool for creating descendancy charts and other family trees. I'm often asked what I use to create the beautiful, clear diagrams and charts in my DNA presentations and client reports. The answer is Lucidchart! I...

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AncestryDNA Chromosome Painter | Dig Deeper into DNA Ethnicity

AncestryDNA Chromosome Painter | Dig Deeper into DNA Ethnicity

Have you explored the AncestryDNA chromosome painter? This exciting new interactive feature, companion to their Ethnicity Inheritance feature and similarly fueled by AncestryDNA’s SideView™ technology, assigns your DNA ethnicity estimates from each parent to specific chromosomes. AncestryDNA has...

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