The AncestryDNA dot system is a powerful tool for organizing your DNA matches–and then re-organizing them once you’re ready to! These short tutorials and examples will help you use the Ancestry dot system more effectively and confidently.
Before you get started with AncestryDNA’s dot system, check out our free guide which lays out four next steps for your DNA to help identify unknown ancestors.
Get Free Guide for 4 Next Steps for Your DNA
Using the Ancestry dot system
Examples: Applying the AncestryDNA dot system
Here at Your DNA Guide, we’ve helped thousands of people use DNA test results to connect with their families. Some have shared their success stories with us. Here’s how two people have used the AncestryDNA dot system to answer their questions. We hope these examples can inspire YOU:
Dividing up her matches to find an unknown ancestor
Finding the birth parents of a foundling ancestor
Removing AncestryDNA dots
Along your research journey, you may discover you need to remove a group. You may want to start over, removing all the dots so you can use them in a totally different way. Click below for a step-by-step tutorial on how to accomplish either of these goals.
How to remove AncestryDNA dots
Take the AncestryDNA Tour with Your DNA Guide
AncestryDNA testing can help you learn more about who you are and where you come from. But most people don’t understand how to fully navigate them to find answers. That’s why we created the AncestryDNA Tour. It’s an online learning experience that takes about 2-3 hours (you set the pace!). You’ll watch a series of short, easy video tutorials. You’ll fill in a colorful, interactive PDF workbook. These exercises and activities will help you understand the DNA concepts and apply them to your own results.
When you finish your AncestryDNA Tour, you’ll FINALLY better understand what your DNA is telling you about your roots. You’ll be more confident in your results and be better able to explain them to others. You’ll even start to see how, over time, your AncestryDNA test results may continue to help you connect with unknown relatives and ancestors.