MyHeritage cM Explainer is a new tool to help you better estimate relationships between DNA matches. Read more about the MyHeritage cM Explainer and how it will benefit your DNA research. The MyHeritage cM Explainer™ is a FREE new feature that estimates familial relationships between DNA...
DNA testing news
My Family Forward | DNA Testing for Underrepresented Populations
My Family Forward aims to boost DNA testing for underrepresented populations. Help them add 30 communities to our testing pool by 2030! It's about saving lives with medical data, driving family connections, and strengthening the roots and branches of our global family tree. This guest post was...
Countries Where AncestryDNA Is Available | Ancestry DNA Goes (More) Global
The list of countries where AncestryDNA is available just got MUCH longer--as AncestryDNA ethnicity estimates also got a boost! Is AncestryDNA sold in your country (or ancestral homeland) now? Will your ethnicities be reported more specifically and accurately? These updates are a timely reminder...
Haplogroup L7 | A New mtDNA Limb
Haplogroup L7 is the newest mtDNA haplogroup! Here are some quick facts about haplogroup L7 and a reminder of what mtDNA haplogroups are all about. Before we talk about this exciting new mtDNA haplogroup, let's give the somewhat-neglected mtDNA a little love. Did you know that mtDNA is responsible...
Got Viking DNA? Ask Living DNA Viking Index
Viking DNA percentages? They're the newest option at Living DNA testing company. Here's what they're all about. DNA testing company Living DNA has launched a new option: a Viking Index. This feature is based on the ancient DNA results from 446 Vikings excavated from locations all across...
AncestryDNA SideView | Ethnicity Inheritance | What is Phasing?
AncestryDNA Sideview™ now estimates your parents’ ethnicity regions–without them even taking a test! They can do this because of the massive size of their database and the use of phasing. What is phasing? Here’s a quick, easy explanation of this exciting technology.
Chromosome Painting | FTDNA and 23andMe
Chromosome painting helps you see your ancestral locations in an appealing new way. Here’s how to use chromosome painters at 23andMe and Family Tree DNA.
FTDNA Updates | Family Tree DNA News
FTDNA updates! Y DNA and autosomal (Family Finder) customer experience have both had an overhaul. Here’s a quick summary of changes and what to do next on the new FTDNA website with your YDNA and autosomal results.
WHY the New AncestryDNA Communities are Exciting
AncestryDNA Genetic Communities are growing again! Read about why we’re ESPECIALLY excited to see these new communities for the Mediterranean, the Balkans, Western Asia and Eastern Africa.
MyHeritage Genetic Groups | DNA Ethnicity
Breaking news! MyHeritage DNA ethnicity updates reveal locations in which your ancestors lived within the past 400 years—based on their genetic migratory clusters. Here’s why that’s more powerful than before.
FTDNA Updates Ethnicity Estimates
Family Tree DNA has (finally!) updated its ethnicity estimates from 24 to 90 categories for its Family Finder autosomal customers. Here’s what you should know about MyOrigins 3.0.
Using Living DNA Family Networks
Living DNA’s Family Networks (DNA matches experience) is progressing. Here’s how to opt in to DNA matching and what you’ll see when you do.
AncestryDNA Shared Matches Changes: What to Do
AncestryDNA shared matches have changed since they dropped smallest shared segments (below 8cM) and refined the matching algorithm. Here’s what I see and 2 things you can do about the changes.
AncestryDNA, Longest Shared Segment and Timber
AncestryDNA now reports longest shared segment with DNA matches—yay! There’s some confusion about longest shared segment v. total shared DNA. Here’s how their Timber algorithm affects these, and why it’s good for your family tree.
The Future of DNA Testing: A Genealogy of Everyone
A veteran in the genetic genealogy industry looks back at the history of DNA testing for family history–and to the future: the reconstruction of the entire human family tree.