YDNA can help you find surnames that go with a paternal family line. So helpful when trying to break down a brick wall for a male ancestor! Learn how YDNA testing helped Kathleen with not one but TWO genealogy brick walls. YDNA testing can be a useful tool when...
Whether the children of Sally Hemings were fathered by U.S. President Thomas Jefferson was debated for more than 200 years until YDNA testing provided new evidence. Read more about this presidential paternity case and the results of a YDNA test. In January...
Need some YDNA tips? Most people do. YDNA testing can provide you with valuable insights into paternal lineages, but a lot of people aren’t sure how to get the most out of it. Here are 7 helpful strategies for YDNA testing. Thinking about taking a YDNA test, or...
YDNA surname project administrators help other project members and answer questions. But how do they learn do work with surname project data? Here’s a resource to help you become a better YDNA surname project administrator–or just work with your own YDNA...
Considering a YDNA test upgrade? It can be well worth it. Here’s what happened after Kelli updated her husband’s YDNA test. And then–after a little patience–along came an exciting new match! See what YDNA can do for your research questions....
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