Shared DNA Matches | Solve a Mystery

Shared DNA Matches | Solve a Mystery

Shared DNA matches can help solve mysteries! Here’s how Robbi used her shared match list to find her grandfather’s true identity–and the story behind his separation from his parents overseas. Robbi began doing traditional genealogy more than 20 years...
How to Share AncestryDNA Results

How to Share AncestryDNA Results

Last updated: January 6, 2025   Sharing your AncestryDNA test results—ethnicity or match list or BOTH—can pique your relatives’ curiosity or help you and your DNA match figure out how you’re related. Here’s how to do it. If you’re one of the millions who has...
Create a DNA Testing Plan

Create a DNA Testing Plan

A good DNA testing plan can help you solve family history mysteries and discover more about your biological family tree. Planning ahead helps you maximize your chances of success, set realistic expectations and use your time and money wisely. Most people pursue DNA...