Your 23andMe DNA Relatives list now has a new algorithm that promises greater accuracy for identifying your relationships to close relatives. Read more about this new update and how it will affect your DNA research at 23andMe. IMPORTANT NOTE: As of October 2023,...
MyHeritage Genetic Groups now reveal locations in which your ancestors lived within the past 400 years—based on their genetic migratory clusters. Here’s why this kind of DNA ethnicity estimate is more powerful for genealogists. MyHeritage DNA has been teasing us with...
AncestryDNA shared matches have changed since they dropped smallest shared segments (below 8cM) and refined the matching algorithm. Here’s what I see and 2 things you can do about the changes. We blogged not long ago about changes coming to the AncestryDNA shared...
Here’s how DNA can help combat racist thinking—along with my thoughts on my family’s journey out of racism and why trying to be “colorblind” doesn’t help. My grandmother, whom I loved, was a racist. My mother had fierce feelings that were just the opposite. I remember...
What is CODIS and who can use it for forensic genealogy and DNA matching? Here are answers. The popular ABC series Genetic Detective is helping popularize the work of genetic genealogy. But just as many watching are probably wondering “What is genealogy?” (I just...
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