Surname changes in genealogy can create confusion when you’re looking for your family. Connie explains some reasons why a family would change their surname. Surname Changes Have you encountered unexpected surname changes in your DNA? Family historians rely on...
Finding living people in Canada can be difficult due to Canadian privacy laws, but it’s not impossible. Connie offers some tips and resources for finding living people in Canada. Looking for living people in Canada? Finding living people in Canada is not...
The Shared cM Project has a new feature which lets you enter the shared cM of two testers, rather than just one. This can narrow down a list of possible relationships to DNA matches while using siblings or cousins from the same generation. Learn more about how to use...
The AncestryDNA dots help you organize your DNA matches. What if you want to remove those dots and reorganize your match list? Here’s how to remove AncestryDNA dots, and why you might want to. Here at Your DNA Guide, we recognize there is no single “right way”...
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