Can you use mitochondrial DNA for ancestry? Yes, mtDNA can be useful in genetic genealogy research, though it is a less commonly used type of DNA. Kelli shares mtDNA research tips and strategies. How many times have you heard someone say that mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)...
23andMe surveys and studies invite you to contribute your feedback as a citizen scientist. Learn more from Kelli about 23andMe’s research surveys and studies. I’ve never met a survey I didn’t like! How about you? 23andMe surveys and other periodic questionnaires...
Promethease is a DNA tool that creates a genetic health report for you based on your DNA. Here, Kelli explains Promethease and shows us parts of her own DNA health report to demonstrate how useful Promethease can be. DNA testing can be used for genetic genealogy, but...
Why transfer to MyHeritage if you’ve taken a DNA test elsewhere? Because you might find unique matches –or learn something unique about matches you’ve already found elsewhere. MyHeritage DNA’s tools helped me connect to a distant cousin who is...
MyHeritage DNA AutoClusters tool can help you target the DNA matches you want to work with–and find unique matches who may not have tested anywhere else. Here’s how Kelli used MyHeritage DNA’s AutoCluster tool to do just that. MyHeritage DNA is one...
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