DNA and Ethnicity

MyTrueAncestry for Ancient DNA

MyTrueAncestry for Ancient DNA

MyTrueAncestry is a company that compares your DNA results to ancient DNA samples. Keep reading to learn how to use MyTrueAncestry for ancient DNA. You've taken a DNA test and you've looked back at several generations of your ancestors, but maybe you want to look even farther back than that, by a...

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Endogamous Communities | Were Your Ancestors Part of One?

Endogamous Communities | Were Your Ancestors Part of One?

What endogamous communities existed in the past? What DNA fingerprint did they leave behind? Jayne reviews studies about various historical communities affected by endogamy. Were your ancestors part of this history? What has been written about your ancestors’ endogamous communities? If you have...

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mtDNA Haplogroup H

mtDNA Haplogroup H

mtDNA haplogroup H is one of the haplogroups you may find in your DNA, specifically your mtDNA. Jayne provides us with an overview of mtDNA haplogroup H and what it can tell you about your ancestry.  Perhaps you have been poring over your DNA test results from 23andMe and you have come across an...

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Founder Effect | DNA and Endogamy

Founder Effect | DNA and Endogamy

Founder effect and endogamy are different, but they can occur concurrently in your family tree. Read more from Jayne about the founder effect, what it is, an example of it, and how it differs from endogamy. Both founder effect and endogamy can lead to reduced diversity in your DNA. However, they...

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Got Viking DNA? Ask Living DNA Viking Index

Got Viking DNA? Ask Living DNA Viking Index

Viking DNA percentages? They're the newest option at Living DNA testing company. Here's what they're all about.   DNA testing company Living DNA has launched a new option: a Viking Index. This feature is based on the ancient DNA results from 446 Vikings excavated from locations all across...

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Haplogroup Map: Y DNA v mtDNA

Haplogroup Map: Y DNA v mtDNA

Y DNA and mtDNA haplogroup maps chart the deep origins of your paternal or maternal lines. The specificity of your YDNA or mtDNA haplogroup results varies by test, and so does its value for building your family tree. Read more!

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Irish DNA Ethnicity

Irish DNA Ethnicity

How does Irish DNA ethnicity show up in your AncestryDNA, 23andMe, MyHeritage DNA, Living DNA or Family Tree DNA test results? Here’s a comparison.

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Detecting Mayflower DNA

Detecting Mayflower DNA

Can DNA tests detect “Mayflower DNA?” This Thanksgiving story looks at early intermarriage and pedigree collapse among early Pilgrims in New England and the possibility of DNA founder effect—and what this means for genetic detection of Mayflower roots by descendants.

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Endogamy and DNA Testing Tips

Endogamy and DNA Testing Tips

How does your DNA testing company correct for endogamy on DNA matches? You should know about Ancestry’s algorithm; MyHeritage’s rule for Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry; and these tips for segment size and shared matches.

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Map Your DNA Ethnicity v. Your Family Tree

Map Your DNA Ethnicity v. Your Family Tree

As soon as I tried FamilySearch’s new “Where Am I From?” family tree mapping tool, I wondered how my DNA ethnicity results would compare to my genealogical family tree. Here’s what I saw.

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