Did you miss RootsTech 2024? Check Out Diahan Southard’s You Can Do the DNA! FREE Series, a five-part series on how you can use DNA for family history.
Were you unable to attend RootsTech 2024, or just want to watch Diahan’s RootsTech presentations again? We’ve compiled her You Can DO the DNA! FREE Series here in one convenient place! Check out each video below as well as the additional resources mentioned in each presentation.
You Can DO the DNA #1 of 5: Get Started (or Restarted)
Whether you haven’t taken a DNA test or you did but got discouraged and abandoned the effort, it’s time to take another look.
You Can DO the DNA #2 of 5: Get Your Best Ethnicity Estimate
Everyone wants to love their ethnicity estimates. But many people don’t have faith or confidence that their estimates are any good. You have questions. I have answers.
Take a tour of Ancestry, FTDNA, MyHeritage, and 23andMe to learn more about each testing company, dive deeper into your ethnicity results, and learn more about each company’s different features.
You Can DO the DNA #3 of 5: Light Your DNA Match List on Fire!
Whether you have many autosomal DNA matches or few, all you need is to find the RIGHT matches to ignite your DNA discoveries.
Learn how to organize your DNA matches to find specific ancestors by reading Your DNA Guide-the Book or taking the DNA Skills Workshop.
Do you have endogamy in your family tree? You can learn how to work with these matches.
Take the Endogamy and DNA Course
You Can DO the DNA #4 of 5: See What Your DNA Success Looks Like: Real Case Studies
What can genetic genealogy really DO for your family history? Come and see real life examples.
You Can DO the DNA #5 of 5: DNA Is Easy Until it Isn’t: A Slightly Complicated Case Study
What happens when you do all the right things with your DNA matches and you still get messy results? Webinar #5 was offered after RootsTech, but it is still available to view. Click the button below to view webinar #5.
The DNA Study Group meets twice a month to help you keep learning and practicing the skills you need to do the DNA!
Want more? Get our You Can Do the DNA free companion email series and guide for tips on getting started with using DNA for your family history!
Get the FREE Guide and Email Series
Can’t get on (don’t have password) to the #5 webinar (‘slightly complicated case study’ — follows the #4 from Rootstech)
Just follow this link and put in your email, then it will take you to the webinar!