Which DNA tests does FTDNA offer? Family Tree DNA offers three different DNA tests: Family Finder autosomal DNA, YDNA, and mtDNA, which can all help you connect to your DNA matches. Founded in 2000, Family Tree DNA is the oldest DNA testing company in business. FTDNA...
Getting her relatives to take DNA tests got easier after she inspired them with family history storytelling videos. Here are tips for making videos that help loved ones take more interest in genealogy. Connie recently shared the following story on a discussion board...
Finding her great grandfather wasn’t easy, but she did it. See how this DNA detective is learning to use genealogy to fill in gaps on her family tree. This guest blog post is written by Pamela Sue Hinton, whom we met when she took the YDNA for Genealogy Course. Thank...
These descendants are bringing together white and African American descendants of an enslaver to rebuild their full biological family tree and document their shared legacy. Not long ago, we met Judy Hughes when she participated in the DNA Skills Workshop. Judy, who is...
Your generation of connection is key to learning how you’re related to your DNA matches. It’s where you’ll find your most recent common ancestor(s) (MRCA). You and your match may have two DIFFERENT generations of connection. Don’t worry, we’ve got an easy explanation!...
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