DNA Testing, Slavery and Adoption

DNA Testing, Slavery and Adoption

DNA testing is causing many to discover new answers to the question, “Who is family?” Here, DNA testing brings together white and black descendants of the same enslaver—and opens a door to my mother’s biological relatives. In our modern society, families are defined...
AncestryDNA’s New Ancestor Discoveries

AncestryDNA’s New Ancestor Discoveries

Ancestry DNA’s New Ancestor Discoveries tool makes a lot of promises—and has a lot of promise. Just remember that many of these aren’t yet fulfilled. The ideal genetic genealogy interface creates a seamless transition between genetic technology and genealogical...
DNA and Surname Projects | One-Name Studies

DNA and Surname Projects | One-Name Studies

DNA can integrate with surname studies (aka one-name studies), which are a mainstay of traditional genealogical research. See how projects are incorporating DNA into their enormous files of data on individual surnames. Since the advent of surnames, our last names have...