These descendants are bringing together white and African American descendants of an enslaver to rebuild their full biological family tree and document their shared legacy. Not long ago, we met Judy Hughes when she participated in the DNA Skills Workshop. Judy, who is...
A Korean adoptee (KAD) who did DNA testing to explore his birth roots shares his feelings and recommends support organizations—including free DNA testing for Korean adoptees. Back in 2019, we shared an unforgettable story about two sisters born in South Korea....
Document your DNA discoveries with research logs, spreadsheets and more! This methodology improves your confidence, efficiency and accuracy in genetic genealogy. Meet Helen, a biochemist. She also loves genealogy and weaving, which have something in common. They both...
Pay it forward! It can feel just as rewarding to help your DNA matches break down their brick walls as it can be to solve your own family history mysteries. Check out this inspiring story—and how easy it was to help. We all come to DNA testing with OWN own family...
To successfully contact DNA matches, here’s EXACTLY what one researcher did. The outcome (spoiler alert!) included actually MEETING some of her newfound Jewish and Eastern European cousins. Julie wrote me a while back to report a successful experience with contacting...
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