The Shared Matches tools at AncestryDNA, Family Tree DNA (FTDNA), MyHeritage and Living DNA can help you figure out how you’re related to your DNA matches. Here’s how to find the Shared Matches tools at your favorite DNA testing company websites. I have heard so many...
What is endogamy? This introduction to endogamy helps you understand what it is and how it can complicate genetic genealogy analysis. Learn a crucial tip for spotting endogamous relationships on your DNA match list. What is endogamy? As DNA analysis becomes more...
A MyHeritage DNA update simplifies the site experience and adds interesting options for researchers. MyHeritage continues to release improvements to its DNA product that are meant to both enhance our experience with their website, and also make it easier to do our...
MyHeritage has a new chromosome browser! Here are three tips for using the MyHeritage chromosome browser effectively. Just last year if you had asked me if I thought anyone could catch AncestryDNA in their race to own the genetic genealogy market, I would have been...
Get started organizing your DNA matches with these 3 suggestions for turning your jumbled list into an organized group of genetic networks—and eventually, a better family tree. At my house, I can tell whose turn it is to unload the dishwasher by the state of the...
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