Your raw DNA doesn’t just need to stay on your testing website. Download it and learn more from it at websites such as these ones. With AncestryDNA’s recent announcement that their database is over 2 million participants strong, it is clear that many of you have...
Important 2023 update: As of January 2023, GEDmatch has a new owner. Verogen, a forensic testing company that works with law enforcement, purchased GEDmatch in 2019. Verogen has now been acquired by QIAGEN, a Dutch company. According to their website, QIAGEN helps...
Learn your family health history through DNA testing. These stories show just how vital information about your hereditary health risks can be. My sister and I both live in different states than my parents. While we talk regularly and have a good relationship, we have...
If DNA test results are coming up empty-handed for your family history research, here are some tips for what to do next. If we surveyed all of those who have taken DNA tests to learn more about their heritage and ancestry, how many would answer that they are fully...
AncestryDNA New Ancestry Discoveries: what they really mean and how they can help you solve genealogy mysteries on your family tree. Opening your AncestryDNA account to find a New Ancestor Discovery (NAD) can be a bit like the experience my 9 year old had at the beach...
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