23andMe Surveys

23andMe Surveys

23andMe surveys and studies invite you to contribute your feedback as a citizen scientist. Learn more from Kelli about 23andMe’s research surveys and studies. I’ve never met a survey I didn’t like! How about you? 23andMe surveys and other periodic questionnaires...
mtDNA Haplogroup H

mtDNA Haplogroup H

mtDNA haplogroup H is one of the haplogroups you may find in your DNA, specifically your mtDNA. Jayne provides us with an overview of mtDNA haplogroup H and what it can tell you about your ancestry.  Perhaps you have been poring over your DNA test results from 23andMe...
Managing DNA Tests | How-to Tips

Managing DNA Tests | How-to Tips

If you are managing DNA tests for others, or are considering it, you may have questions about how it works. Kelli offers a quick how-to for managing multiple DNA kits in AncestryDNA, MyHeritage DNA, FamilyTree DNA, 23AndMe, and Living DNA. Managing DNA tests for your...