DNA Painter Traits is the newest tool added by Jonny Perl! It’s for exploring traits and medical DNA markers on his chromosome mapping tool. Explore which ancestors contributed what to your genetic makeup. DNA Painter (www.DNAPainter.com) is a website that hosts...
How we can extend the limits of DNA ethnicity estimates to make these tests more reliable and relevant for more people? A look ahead at the next generation of DNA ethnicity estimates. This is the final article in Jayne’s excellent, in-depth series on Ethnicity...
This fun family history activity for children or youth helps them celebrate their unique DNA pie chart—without taking a DNA test. Not long ago I spent the evening with this lovely group of girls, doing a hands-on activity that combined family history, DNA and...
DNA ethnicity estimates are more reliable for certain locations than others. Here’s which regions of Europe are more (and less) likely to be identified correctly. Here’s a great word: allele [uh-leel]. It refers to a specific physical location on a chromosome that can...
Family Tree DNA has added cute, customizable videos to your mtFull Sequence DNA test results. Here’s what they look like and how to share them. Family Tree DNA recently announced a catchy freebie that now comes with your full-sequence mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) test...
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